Tuesday, February 13, 2007

To blog or not to blog

For those of you who know me your are probably thinking "What is she thinking?" She is going to blog? Well let me tell you the story behind the blog. Mike and I decided we wanted to adopt. Then we decided we wanted to adopt internationally, and finally we decided we wanted to adopt from Vietnam. Then it was time for me to start researching, and you know how I love to research. I found every adoption forum and yahoo group that was on the internet. I read as many old posts as I could trying to decide on an agency. Then it became obvious that I would have to post to some of these groups if I was going to get more answers. This is how I met "T" (I'll call her that until I find out if she wants her real name used) she emailed me asking me to share what I found out about an agency she was also interested in. From there we starting emailing back and forth sharing our experience so far.

Then one day she emailed me and asked are you going to start a blog? I replied that I enjoyed reading as many blogs as I could about Vietnam adoptions but I probably wouldn't write one myself. What would I write about during those endless months of waiting? She emailed me back and suggested that a blog would be a good way to connect with other adoptive parents. A way to get support and find out more information about the process. I decided that she was right. It wasn't fair for me to lurk at all the other blogs out there and not share my experiences as well. So that was how this blog got started.

I will do my best to stick with this, although I still worry about the day when I write "still waiting." And if your out there please comment let me know that I am connecting with other adoptive parents or people just curious about this wonderful, joyful, roller coaster ride called international adoption.

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