Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Please Mister Postman

I finally succeeded in getting a hold of our social worker yesterday. We have been waiting for our final draft of our home study. He had a couple of revisions that he needed to run by me so he emailed me a copy and I called him back right away. I'm talking less than five minutes. Yes I am anxious to have this done. He said that he would get it notarized today and mail it to us. So I made an info pass appointment with the USCIS office for Thursday. This office will process our form for adopting an orphan and run our fingerprints.

I now have to cross my fingers that the home study will arrive in the mail tomorrow. When I called my social worker today to confirm that he did mail it. (Helpful adopting hint: Don't assume anything, confirm everything) I found out he sent it out priority but when he asked they told him it would take two to three days to get to me. Now I know we live in the boonies but I am in the same state. I used priority mail to mail my passport all the way to the east coast and that made it there in two days. We are talking a fraction of the distance.

Now everyone repeat after me: Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor gloom of night...NOR 400 MILES will keep the postman from delivering our final home study.

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